Ring the Bells
Colinde de Craciun in engleza – Ring the Bells
Ring ring ring the bells ring them loud and clear oh
Ring ring ring the bells the holidays are here
Hints of snow in the air families gather everywhere
Ring ring ring the bells ring them loud and clear
Ring ring ring the bells ring them loud and clear oh
Ring ring ring the bells the holidays are here
Laughter and love abound let’s all make a cheerful sound
Ring ring ring the bells ring them loud and clear
Ring ring ring the bells ring them loud and clear oh
Ring ring ring the bells the holidays are here
Tell everyone of days long gone share good food and sing the songs
Ring ring ring the bells ring them loud and clear
Ring ring ring the bells ring them loud and clear oh
Ring ring ring the bells the holidays are here
Let us pause one and all and listen to the clarion call
Ring ring ring the bells ring them loud and clear
Ring ring ring the bells the holidays are here
Vezi si colinde in franceza !